Joseph Scauda Boots
Joseph Scauda build also his own diving boots, tottaly in brass with sole and sides also of brass and marked with a "J" and a "S", two belts and a weight of 4,55 kg., similar to the light boots of Siebe Gorman. They are very different os the usual boots of his time, made of lead, wood and leather.
Joseph Scauda
Born in Napoli (Italy), grounded a company in 1896 that last until 1945. Specialized in nautical instruments, his workshop was in the old harbour of Marseille and the official name was "SCAUDA atelier de construction mecanique de machines, de scaphandres et casques". The address was "48 Quai de Rive-Neuve. Marseiile".
At the beginning he repaired old diving helmets like the built by his compatriot Joseph Cabirol, but some time later he build his own helmets.