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Siebe Gorman & Co. Ltd. dry suit

  • Ref: o_1092
Siebe Gorman & Co. Ltd. dry suit

INFO: Old diving suits are composed by two 'Asargarda' coats (very closed cotton textile) join between with a rubber. Muff from neck and puppet are make with vulcanize rubber.

INFO(Esp): Los trajes de buzo están compuestos de dos capas de tela 'Asargarda' ( tejido de tramado muy cerrado de algodón ) y encoladas entre si con cola de 'Caucho'. Los dos manguitos de las muñecas y cuello son de 'Goma Vulcanizada'.
I only buy pieces or change/sell the pieces published on my website with the tag "CHANGE - FOR SALE". If you have some things to offer or to change, we can speak about the price and in the case of change, we pay the price difference by cash. I’m a spanish collector of classic diving helmets, boots, knives, etc. Don't hesitance to contact us if you have some item to offer.